Anh Phan Dinh oi,
Cung nhu anh va anh Nhut, em da khong thay duoc hinh... nen hom qua em co nho Meo Hoang tim cach post hinh nay len cho chung ta xem...
Va Meo Hoang da post tam hinh ve "Ki Tuc Xa Than Yeu" duoi dang jpg, no nam trong LQD album-Ki niem kho quen.
Xin moi moi nguoi vo trong LQD album xem hinh nhe!!!
Make a promise to yourself to always choose the very best things in life...
to hold onto your dreams, believe in your ideas, and follow the voice of your heart.
Make a promise to yourself to always choose the things that make you happiest.
Make a promise to yourself to make every moment count,
to stop and smell the flowers along the way, and enjoy life's simple pleasures one day at a time.