Cựu Học Sinh Lê Quý Đôn - Long An

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Tô Lan Phương 17-11-2010 03:36 PM

5 words/day
1. gregarious (sociable) My honey is gregariuos
2. egregious (especial, extreme) bad meaning: adultery is an egregious mistake.
3. erudite (smart) I'm inherited an erudite gene from my dad.
4. loquacious (talkative) she is a loquacious girl.
5. chirp (sing) I love the bird's chirping next to the window

Tô Lan Phương 18-11-2010 09:29 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day

Nguyên văn bởi ooookuroba (Post 81271)

Mod xử lý việc nỳ đi ạ.

1. torpor: lazy feeling
2. eventuate: Greg eventuates good after he proves that he did steal the money.
3. therewithal: I feel he is handsome therewithal he is rich.
4. aoristic: my wedding day is still aoristic
5. taciturn: I dont like a taciturn man.
I did report to Mod but still silent for few days, haiz

Tô Lan Phương 19-11-2010 08:14 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. realistic (a)
2. materialistic (a)
ex: I'm a realistic person but I'm not a materialistic one.
3. down to earth: simple
4. ornate
5. array(n)
ex: we should be down to earth by exposing to the nature.
I love my ornate table with array of books.

Tô Lan Phương 20-11-2010 09:01 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. vex (v) confuse, make someone crazy
2. quaint (a) something good and not the same to the other one
3. melancholy (a) sad, morose
4. fatuous (silly, foolish, inane...)
5. sanctify (v) consecrate, hallow
ex: the fatuous people never can vex me. Vietnameses sanctify HCM uncle because he is quaint.

Jimmy2012 21-11-2010 11:32 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. In toto
2. Weal
3. Lackadaisical: not diligent
4. Episodic
5. virtutous

Tô Lan Phương 22-11-2010 04:51 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. Bamboozle (v): cheat, trick, swindle...(usually for money)
2. precarious (a): not sure, not safe, aoristic...
3. capricious (a) crazy
4. insipid (a) not interesting, not yummy...
5. Esoteric (a) privated, keep in secret.

quyen791 23-11-2010 01:55 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. sick: bệnh
2. hot: nóng bỏng
3. ***y: gợi tình
4. hat: cái nón
5. friend: bạn bè.

Tô Lan Phương 23-11-2010 10:21 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. mithridate (n) antitoxin
2. venerate (v) respect
3. maternity (n) belong to mother
4. nudge (v) nag, pester
5. oxymoron (n) the way to say 2 things opposing
ex: Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white...

quyen791 24-11-2010 05:44 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. sing: hát
2. singer: ca sĩ
3. bull: bò đực
4. whale: cá voi
5. dog: con chó

quyen791 25-11-2010 08:03 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. make love: làm tình
2. nude: trần truồng
3: like: thích
4. sea: biển
5. ocean: đại dương

Tô Lan Phương 25-11-2010 09:52 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. in quoque : u2 (in the respond)
2. spoil (v)
3. maternity, paternity (n)
4. inherent (a)
5. stymie(v) make our action awkward.

Tô Lan Phương 28-11-2010 10:21 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. namaste
2. abate: reduce
3.abdicate (v)
4. epochal (a)
5. dishevelled (a)

Tô Lan Phương 29-11-2010 11:45 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. abstain (v) from
2. adversity (n)
3. aberration
4. abhor (v)
5. eunuch (a)

RainLee 29-11-2010 10:20 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
Mss TLP,
you seem to choose new words for this topic at random, which means that they are not for a specific purpose. Some people may not be eager to learn them, i think, because it's necessary for them to learn the words like that.
why don't you choose a topic and introduce new words for that topic?

Tô Lan Phương 29-11-2010 10:32 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day

Nguyên văn bởi RainLee (Post 81818)
Mss TLP,
you seem to choose new words for this topic at random, which means that they are not for a specific purpose. Some people may not be eager to learn them, i think, because it's necessary for them to learn the words like that.
why don't you choose a topic and introduce new words for that topic?

a friend teaches me 5 words/day. I dont know how does he choose them. But I love to learn with him.
U are right. U can help me 5 more words/day in some topics u like. thanks

Tô Lan Phương 04-12-2010 02:06 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
evanescent (a)
exemplary (a)
enervating (a)

mattroinho 04-12-2010 07:47 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
1. cry: khóc
2. laugh: cười
3. fun: thú vị
4. bird: con chim
5. fish: con cá

Tô Lan Phương 05-12-2010 11:01 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
inconsequential (a) illogical
hypothesis (n) theory
hedonist (n)
impetuous(a) strong, rash

Tô Lan Phương 11-12-2010 12:32 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
orator (n)
ostentatious (a)
pregmatic (a)
perfidious (a)
parched (a)

Tô Lan Phương 15-12-2010 11:22 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
reconcile (v) reconciliation
querulous (a)
reverence (a)
restrained (a)

Tô Lan Phương 15-12-2010 11:23 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day
reconcile (v) reconciliation
querulous (a)
reverence (a)
restrained (a)

Tô Lan Phương 18-12-2010 11:44 AM

Ðề: 5 words/day
sagacity (n) wisdom
scrutinize (v) look carefully
spurious (a) false, untrue
spontaneous (a)
submissive (a) mild, meek.

Tô Lan Phương 20-12-2010 04:31 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day

Tô Lan Phương 22-12-2010 05:04 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day

Tô Lan Phương 22-12-2010 05:04 PM

Ðề: 5 words/day

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