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Croatian open competition in ìnormatics

Croatian open competition in ìnormatics

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Old 16-11-2008, 12:33 PM   #1
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Default Croatian open competition in ìnormatics

Đây là cuộc thi online của COCI (coi như để lại cái đức cho các học sinh chuyên Tin khóa sau.
Ai mún tham gia có thể đăng kí ở đây [Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ]
Bài 1:
Kornislav the turtle never has anything interesting to do. Since he's going to live for three hundred
years, he keeps trying to find way to kill time. This weekend he started playing "enclose the largest
To start with, Kornislav needs four positive integers. He tries to enclose a rectangle by moving in one
direction, then turning 90 degrees, then walking in the new direction etc. Kornislav makes a total of
three 90-degree turns and walks four segments.
When walking in some direction, the number of steps he takes must be equal to one of the four chosen
integers and each integer must be used exactly once. Depending on the order in which Kornislav uses
the integers, his walk will make various shapes, some of which don't contain enclosed rectangles.
Write a program that calculates the largest rectangle the turtle can enclose with its walk.
The first line contains four positive integers A, B, C and D (0 < A, B, C, D < 100), the four chosen
Output the largest area.
1 2 3 4
4 4 3 4
In the first example, one possible way for Kornislav to enclose a rectangle of area 3:
· Make 4 steps forward;
· Turn right;
· Make 1 step forward;
· Turn right;
· Make 3 steps forward;
· Turn right;
· Make 2 steps forward.
Bài 2
The sieve of Eratosthenes is a famous algorithm to find all prime numbers up to N. The algorithm is:
1. Write down all integers between 2 and N, inclusive.
2. Find the smallest number not already crossed out and call it P; P is prime.
3. Cross out P and all its multiples that aren't already crossed out.
4. If not all numbers have been crossed out, go to step 2.
Write a program that, given N and K, find the K-th integer to be crossed out.
The integers N and K (2 ≤ K < N ≤ 1000).
Output the K-th number to be crossed out.
7 3
15 12
10 7
In the third example, we cross out, in order, the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 3, 9, 5 and 7. The seventh
number is 9.
Bài 3
The local zoo has acquired a large open garden in which animals may freely move as in their natural
habitats and entertain visitors with their usual shenanigans.
The most popular animals are monkeys. With their climbing and jumping and other skills, they delight
old and young visitors alike.
One species of monkey has specialized in climbing tall trees and picking off coconuts. Another species
has specialized in breaking them open.
There are N monkeys of the first type (numbered 1 through N) and M monkeys of the second type
(numbered 1 through M).
Monkey k of the first type takes Ak seconds to find a good spot on the tree, after which it picks off its
first coconut. After that the monkey produces a new coconut every Bk seconds.
Monkey k of the second type takes Ck seconds to find a good tool for opening the coconuts, after
which it opens its first coconut. After that the monkey opens another coconut every Dk seconds.
Unfortunately, the second type of monkey is extremely aggressive so the two types may not be in the
garden at the same time. Therefore, zoo keepers will chase away the first type of monkeys as soon as
they have picked off all the coconuts. Similarly, if monkeys of the same type stay too long after opening
all the coconuts, fights will ensue. Because of that, zoo keepers will send them away as soon as they
have opened all the coconuts.
The zoo keepers first arrive immediately after all coconuts have been picked, and again immediately
after the monkeys open them all. The time needed for monkeys to enter or leave the garden is also
negligibly small.
Tomislav especially likes the second type of monkey, but can never guess when to arrive in order to see
them. Help him calculate the time when the second type arrives if he knows the total time that
monkeys spent in the garden, but does not know the number of coconuts in the garden.
The first line contains the integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 1 000 000 000), the total time that monkeys spent in the
garden, in seconds.
The next line contains the integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100), the number of monkeys of the first type.
Each of the following N lines contains two integers Ak and Bk (1 ≤ Ak, Bk ≤ 1 000 000 000), how fast
monkey k of the first type is.
The next line contains the integer M (1 ≤ M ≤ 100), the number of monkeys of the second type.
Each of the following M lines contains two integers Ck and Dk (1 ≤ Ck, Dk ≤ 1 000 000 000), how fast
monkey k of the second type is.
Output the number of seconds between the arrival of the first type of monkeys and the arrival of the
second type.

3 1
5 1
3 2
1 3
3 1
4 1
5 1
In the first example, it turns out there are three coconuts in the garden:
· The monkey of the first type picks off the first coconut 3 seconds after the garden was opened.
· The monkey picks off the second coconut 4 seconds after the garden is opened.
· The monkey picks off the third coconut 5 seconds after the garden is opened.
· Zoo keepers come in and escort the monkey out. The monkey of the second type arrives. The
output is 5 because this is when Tomislav wants to arrive.
· The monkey of the second type opens the first coconut 10 seconds after the garden was
· The monkey opens the second coconut 11 seconds after the garden was opened.
· The monkey opens the third coconut 12 seconds after the garden was opened.
· Zoo keepers come in and escort the monkey out.
Bài 4
In an infinite binary tree:
· Each node has exactly two children – a left and a right child.
· If a node is labeled with the integer X, then its left child is labeled 2·X and its right child
· The root of the tree is labeled 1.
A walk on the binary tree starts in the root. Each step in the walk is either a jump onto the left child,
onto the right child, or pause for rest (stay in the same node).
A walk is described with a string of letters 'L', 'R' and 'P':
· 'L' represents a jump to the left child;
· 'R' represents a jump to the right child;
· 'P' represents a pause.
The value of the walk is the label of the node we end up on. For example, the value of the walk LR is
5, while the value of the walk RPP is 3.
A set of walks is described by a string of characters 'L', 'R', 'P' and '*'. Each '*' can be any of the three
moves; the set of walks contains all walks matching the pattern.
For example, the set L*R contains the walks LLR, LRR and LPR. The set ** contains the walks LL, LR,
LP, RL, RR, RP, PL, PR and PP.
Finally, the value of a set of walks is the sum of values of all walks in the set.
Calculate the value of the given set of walks.
A string describing the set. Only characters 'L', 'R', 'P' and '*' will appear and there will be at most
10000 of them.
Output the value of the set.
In test data worth 30% points, there will be no characters '*'.
In test data worth 50% points, there will be at most three characters '*'.
Bài 5
Mirko found a wooden board and N nails in his attic. Mirko hammered the nails into the board as fast
as possible. The board can be modeled by a coordinate plane and the nails as points in it. No two nails
have the same x or the same y coordinate.
In order to keep having fun, Mirko stole his sister's elastic hair band, spread it over all nails and then let
go. The elastic, naturally, tightened around the nails.
Mirko then repeats these steps while there are at least three nails in the board:
1. Write down the area of the shape enclosed by the hair band.
2. Picks the leftmost, rightmost, topmost or bottommost nail in the board.
3. Remove the chosen nail from the board; the elastic tightens again around the remaining nails.
Write a program that calculates the numbers written in step 1 of each iteration, if we know the nail
Mirko picks in step 2 of each iteration.
The first line contains the integer N (3 ≤ N ≤ 300 000), the number of nails.
Each of the following N lines contains two integers separated by a space, the coordinates of a nail. All
coordinates will be between 1 and 1 000 000 000. No two nails will share the same x or y coordinate.
The next line contains N-2 letters 'L', 'R', 'U' or 'D'. The letters represent the nails Mirko picked in
· 'L' for the leftmost nail (smallest x coordinate),
· 'R' for the rightmost nail (largest x coordinate),
· 'U' for the topmost nail (largest y coordinate),
· 'D' for the bottommost nail (smallest y coordinate).
Output N-2 numbers, each on a separate line. The numbers are, in order, the areas that Mirko wrote
down. Output numbers with one digit after the decimal point.
In test cases worth 50% points, N will be less than 1000.

1 4
2 2
4 1
3 5
5 3
1 6
2 4
3 1
4 2
5 7
6 5
7 9
8 3

thay đổi nội dung bởi: duyhung123abc, 16-11-2008 lúc 12:37 PM.
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