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REBUS PUZZLE ( PICTOGRAM PUZZELS)-càng chơi càng thích

REBUS PUZZLE ( PICTOGRAM PUZZELS)-càng chơi càng thích

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Old 19-01-2008, 04:27 PM   #1
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Lightbulb REBUS PUZZLE ( PICTOGRAM PUZZELS)-càng chơi càng thích

Lanh quanh lẩn quẩn tìm 1 số sách , ai ngờ đâu may mắn lụm được trò này , càng chơi càng mê nên pé Rùa quyết định đem lên diễn đàn chia sẻ cho mọi người .
Vừa chơi vừa học , trò Rebus dành cho những ai đam mê giải đố bằng tiếng Anh, thông qua Rebus , người chơi có thể học thêm được nhiều thành ngữ tiếng Anh.
Đây là nguyên văn pé Rùa copy trong đó giới thiệu về Rebus

If you've never met rebus puzzles before, then this quick introduction will explain all you need to know. They are essentially little pictures, often made with letters and words, which cryptically represent a word, phrase, or saying. This page explains – with the help of examples – eight of the main ways in which a rebus puzzle might encode its solution.
One of the most common devices is the positioning of the words and symbols, both relative to the rectangle containing the puzzle, and to the other words and symbols. In the example MAN is in MOON, so it is the man in the moon.

Often attention is drawn to some part of the picture, often by an arrow or underlining, indicating that this is where we should be looking for the clue. Here the arrow points to the first AID, and thus the answer is first aid.

Closely related to position is direction. When a word is spelled in any direction other than the usual left-to-right it is generally relevant to the solution. The example illustrates wake up.

Unusually large or small words or symbols may be used to convey concepts like big, large, small, wide, etc. For example, the rebus puzzle on the right represents big deal.

The device of number is frequently exploited, due to the closeness in sound of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, etc. to other English words. This cryptic example shows 4 GOT 10 HEROES, and so the answer is forgotten heroes.

If a word or symbol is not printed in black, then you can expect the colour to be a relevant in the solution. More difficult rebus puzzles may make use of somewhat more obscure colour names like scarlet or beige. In this fairly easy example CHEESE is blue; it is blue cheese.

The style of the font is sometimes relevant. It might convey such concepts as tall, pretty, thin, slanted, etc. The fat letters in the example here lead the puzzler to conclude that the answer is fat chance.

Very often rebus puzzles are phonologically cryptic. The sound will not always be exactly like the answer, but it will always be close enough to recognise, as in 1s upon TIME: once upon a time.

Và đây là thách đố đầu tiên ( ai đoán đúng nhìu nhất diễn đàn sẽ có wà đó , hehe )

J’espère, j’espère, j’espère oh oui, j’espère

thay đổi nội dung bởi: lyphardmelody_sm, 19-01-2008 lúc 04:30 PM. Lý do: :)
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