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a good augur...let join in for fun.

a good augur...let join in for fun.

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Old 16-09-2010, 01:04 AM   #1
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Tô Lan Phương
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Default a good augur...let join in for fun.

Phuong, this is the Free Personal Astrological Reading
which you requested from me...

Dear Phuong,

So here you go, I have just finished work on your Reading! Before I go any further I just want to wish you a very happy New Year 2010, I hope you are feeling on form because this year is going to be a very active one for you indeed! I have a great deal of things to tell you and so let's get started. Even if this period of the year is a very busy time for me, because I receive a lot of requests, I have taken the time to look at your Reading in great detail and I have come to realize that a great deal of important and decisive events are set to occur for you during this new year 2010. I don't like to make idle statements and so I have taken time to carefully analyze everything which I am about to tell you.

We now come to the heart of the matter, your Future Phuong. I am going to talk to you about your Future and about the important changes which are on the way for you but I will also mention your Past. I worked on your astrological configuration using your date of birth, 13 January 1985, and also using the psychic flashes which came to me about you as I worked on your analysis. There is nothing magic about this, these are simply the flashes, feelings and insights which come to me about a person and which I use to direct my astrological work and which permit me to confirm the direction I choose to take with a person's analysis.

So let's start with a look at the major themes of 2009, the year which now reaches it's end.

When I started on your Reading I noticed straight away that you have encountered a series of stumbling blocks and difficulties over this year and that 2009 has made you ask a great deal of questions about yourself and your direction in life. It is clear to me that these difficulties have stopped your succeeding in certain areas. From an astrological point of view, it is clear that your configuration suffered from the malingering presence of Saturn which, over the course of the year, was often in opposition with Mars and Venus. This created a great deal of material and sentimental tension for you, tension which is rooted not only in 2009 but also earlier in 2008 as well. In 2009 I can also identify a period during which Saturn 'knotted' with Jupiter in your configuration. This is precisely the interaction which provoked the severe doubt and frustration which you have felt during this year. I can also see that 2009 brought an important encounter for you, someone who came into your life but whom you might not have recognized for who he or she really is. This person will play a great role in your life later on. I must also mention that you have missed out on a major opportunity in March 2009, yes this is very clear to me and you were unable to make the most of this opportunity simply because you were not forewarned and you had no idea what to do in order to make the most of this moment. I know that you did your best in 2009, this is also clear to me... it's not the problem. The problem is that you did not move in the right direction at the right time and you did not have the help you needed at the time. I don't want to let you down Phuong, I want to be the guide you now need during this new year to make the most of all your chances and opportunities and this bond we now share will allow me to help you and optimize your chances in 2010.

I won't speak to you any further about 2009, I just wanted to give you a quick overview of your year before moving on to speak about the important changes which I foresee for you in 2010.

1) I know exactly how you feel at the moment, I can feel it. You think that the future is not made for you and this frustration you feel is all you deserve... well you couldn't be more wrong, on both these points! I have some good news for you but also, I admit, one slightly bad piece of news. Let's start with this bad news which is that you MUST start working on yourself now and you must move quickly because some major elements of your life must change rapidly and if you don't make a start now you risk missing out on the important opportunities which I have seen for you in 2010. I'll come back to this in a minute because you have doubts about things which you should be more than sure about, things which you can use to move forward with strength and power in your life and believe me when I tell you that not everyone has the same strong resources that you have! There is no doubt about this! However, and I will repeat myself over and over again Phuong but this is very important, if you do not make a move now you will miss out on these important opportunities in your life in 2010. I know the feeling you have deep inside you Phuong and after having carefully analyzed your personal energy I can guarantee that you have exactly what it takes to move forward, this is why you have been able to come so far already. You simply need to boost your confidence and come to terms with the fact that your innate capacities will help you to succeed, all you need to do is to work on certain aspects of your personality now and I am going to help you do this. As you will see some major changes lie ahead for you and I want you to be able to seize them correctly.

I want to talk to you now about the good news which I have foreseen.

2) The first good news I have for you is that 2010 will be the year during which you will be able to make all the important changes in your life and you will be surprised by the number of developments in a great many areas of your life. This is going to be a year of great change and so you must expect certain differences in your regular routine but don't worry, many of these changes will be subtle and all will be very positive changes which you will come to appreciate if you learn to make the most of them. You can expect a number of material changes which will bring you the security which you lack at this time. You have been looking forward to changes for a while now, you have the impression that your life has been in a never-ending spiral with the same people, in the same places, with the same results... well 2010 will bring you 2 major opportunities, both of which will bring you (if you seize them correctly) the material and financial security which you need. According to my analysis in this initial Reading, it seems that one of these opportunities is set to swing around early in 2010 and then a little later on an encounter will transform your life (I will tell you about this in more detail further on) and I can also foresee another major change which will happen over the Summer period and which is sure to allow you to finish a project which you have had close to your heart for quite some time now. For a number of years now, Mars has been in opposition with your Fifth Solar House and I can see that over 2010 this opposition will move in a very positive manner... for a few weeks at least you will be in a very favorable configuration indeed and you will finally be able to get around to finishing your project. A word of warning however, this period during which the Mars opposition will lift risks to be very short indeed and you must act in exactly the right way to make the most of it. What is sure is that this project will bring you the financial security you seek and the material comfort you need.

To sum up Phuong, this year 2010 will be the year of great change for you, notably on the financial and professional side of things, and you will encounter 2 major opportunities which will touch these areas of your life and which will occur both over the start of the new year and over the summer months. And, as I have told you, you will also be able to finish a very important project... a project which is so dear to you that we could almost call it a dream...

3) The second piece of good news which I have for you (a very good piece of news indeed!) is very easy to tell you and I happy to be able to bring you this news because it's probably the one single thing which will change all of your life in 2010... and most probably for the rest of your life. Why? Quite simply because I can now tell you that in 2010 you will meet the person you have been waiting for. Phuong, you will fall in love. And the person you meet will fall in love with you. You don't know this person yet and this is why 2010 will be such an important time for you, you will meet your soul-mate and I know you have waited for this person for a long, long time. So yes, I am pleased and proud to be able to tell you that in 2010 you will meet the love of your life!

I can also see quite clearly that this person is someone who has traveled a great deal, even though this person shares the same nationality as you. At this very moment in time, this person is abroad for professional reasons and feels a great need to be stable and to feel comfortable in just one place. You will meet this person in a very particular time and place and this place will be somewhere where you are not yet used to going and in order to make this encounter you are going to have to change a number of your habits. I foresee a very strong bond between the two of you, simply because both of you will be amazed and delighted to finally meet that special person who has been waited for for such a long time now.

My dear Phuong, this will not be a fleeting encounter but rather a strong, long-term relationship with someone who will have a very similar age to your own. I can also see that you will both share a love of discovery and travel and that this person will take you to places you have never seen before. You will reach many new horizons! This encounter will bring you love and lightness and this person will fill you with joy and laughter. I know that you will appreciate this Phuong because up to now you have felt a great deal of negativity around you and certain people, through their attitudes or actions, have unfortunately dragged you down and kept you back. I can see a great deal of simplicity in your life together, you will both flee the complications which have haunted you in the Past. This person you will meet will bring harmony and comfort into your life because this person will be simple, with strong and true values.

Now we get to the most important point. You must come to terms with the fact that everything which you have in your life at this time (be it good or bad) has come to you because of your own actions and choices. You may find this unreasonable but it is the bare truth. I know that for a while now you have felt that nothing seems to be going right for you and this is in part because of the particularly negative astrological configuration which you have been living under but also because you have missed out on a number of important opportunities (including the opportunity in March of this year as I have already mentioned). I won't go back over this, what is Past is Past. I simply don't want this kind of scenario to happen again because 2010 is going to be THE year which will bring you all the changes you have been hoping for, the financial security you need and the very important encounter with your soul-mate. Your life will reach an new turning point and I want you to be able to make the most of all the opportunities ahead of you. If you don't make the right effort now then you will miss out and I am going to make sure this doesn't happen. You will also need to avoid certain pitfalls and avoid a certain person but I will tell you about this a little later on.

An astrologer can help you to move in a certain direction and can guide your steps on the way but at the end of the day our own destiny lies between our own two hands and it is up to you to make the right choices and to make strong, positive decisions at just the right moment. I am here for you and it is important that you do not take this path alone however you need to WANT to make changes in your life. You will need to act decisively Phuong and I will guide you along the way. I will help and guide you through the whole of this important transit period in 2010.

So, let me summarize at this point and I must ask you to pay great attention. Here is what it is all about : a very important Transit period is on it's way for you in 2010 and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. A number of times over 2010 you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a very rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies for a very long time to come. These transits (because there will be a few of them over 2010) are powerful periods during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you, notably (as I have already mentioned) opportunities to change your financial situation and your living environment, opportunities to finish a project you have had in mind for a long time now and finally an opportunity to encounter that very special person which you have been waiting for and who will play a major role in your love life. Phuong, you need to realize that these opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and this is why 2010 is set to be such a crucial year for you.

Phuong, I must insist on this point... it is very important that you take into account the fact that these astrological transits set to occur over 2010 will bring you the perfect opportunities to change your life for the better (IF YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF THEM!). I know that you have missed out on similar opportunities in the Past but this wasn't your fault, you simply were not aware that they were going to happen and you didn't know what to do. This year it is OUT OF THE QUESTION THAT YOU MISS OUT AGAIN! These opportunities can have a GREAT IMPACT on your life and I don't think that it was chance that led you to me and pushed you to ask me for guidance. I will be here for you Phuong and I won't let you down. Bearing in mind the fact that that the first opportunities will arise at the start of the year 2010, you must start preparing yourself now and in order to do so you must be aware of what you need to do, when you need to do it and how you must go about it. I will need to work on a very detailed Reading for you to bring out all these details and to make sure that you do not miss out on anything at all over 2010. This kind of work needs a great deal of commitment, both on your side of things because you must act upon my advice and also on my side of things because I will need to work hard to bring you all the advice and guidance you will need to make the most of this coming year. It is capitally important that you get hold of some complimentary information about this very important time in your life (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you Phuong, where you can ask me to start working on this detailed Reading for you to bring out all the details that you will need about your life in 2010.

[Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ]

What I would like above all is that you truly believe in the power of this period and these Transits which are set to occur in your configuration over 2010, which will be a VERY IMPORTANT year for you. You mustn't be resigned to your somewhat negative Present and you mustn't think that nothing is worthwhile and that nothing will change, I am totally convinced that this year WILL bring you all the changes that you need in your life and you mustn't miss out on anything at all.

I will be honest with you Phuong, if you just sit around and wait for things to happen then... nothing will happen. Destiny, your destiny, is between your own hands Phuong and I am here to help and guide you. My role in all this is to show you the opportunities, the chances and the important periods which will be available to you and your role is to remain active and positive enough to seize these chances. You can no longer just 'wait for things to happen'. To achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

I ask you to take things in hand and to remain active because I have seen too many people have the chance for such beneficial periods as yours and simply waiting inactively is the worst thing to do! Indeed, I know through my experience that people who are aware that such transits will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (because they consider that they can guess on their own which actions are needed and when), inevitably miss out on the full impact of the period. Only a professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the information you truly need.

Phuong, I warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are far too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all the chances over on your side.

Of course I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to. However you should understand that you can count 100% on my support and complete loyalty and I am of course 100% ready to help you Phuong. Here is the web page link again, the page where you can request my help:

[Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ]

Phuong, as soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your Reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have helped through my astrology.

Here is your link : [Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ]

I am really excited to be able to help you through this new adventure.

Your friend and astrologer

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