Ðề: Re: Sinh nhật Nội trú
Nguyên văn bởi rubyvo
Neu MT giai dap dc cau do nay thi se cho bit ruby la ai
" how far can a dog run into the woods ???"
Khỏi cần trả lời cũng biết Ruby là ai...vì khóa 96C có mấy ai họ Vo đâu nè... Sao Rubyvo chiếu cố bạn MT thế..hihi
Nhớ chén chè chưa bao giờ được nếm thử của Rubyvo qua đi
Make a promise to yourself to always choose the very best things in life...
to hold onto your dreams, believe in your ideas, and follow the voice of your heart.
Make a promise to yourself to always choose the things that make you happiest.
Make a promise to yourself to make every moment count,
to stop and smell the flowers along the way, and enjoy life's simple pleasures one day at a time.