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Bái bai chú yahoo briefcase

Bái bai chú yahoo briefcase

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Old 16-03-2009, 11:53 AM   #1
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Default Bái bai chú yahoo briefcase

Sáng nay nhận được email thông báo của Yahoo:
Dear Yahoo! Briefcase user,
We will be officially closing Yahoo! Briefcase on March 30, 2009. Until then, we are offering you the opportunity to download your files back to your computer. You will need to take action before we close, after which any files remaining on Yahoo! Briefcase will be deleted and no longer accessible.To access your Yahoo! Briefcase account, click the link below:

[Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ]

If you are a Yahoo! Briefcase Premium subscriber, your current subscription will be canceled on March 30, 2009. We will refund the unused portion of your Premium subscription, if any. The refund will appear as a credit via the billing method we have on file for you. So please make sure that your billing information is correct and up-to-date. For more information, please visit [Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ].

For additional information or to review a list of our frequently asked questions, click the link below:
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We appreciate your being a Yahoo! Briefcase user.


Yahoo! Customer Support

Please do not reply to this message. This is a service email related to your use of Yahoo! Briefcase. To learn more about Yahoo!'s use of personal information, including the use of Web beacons in HTML-based email, please read our Privacy Policy. Yahoo! is located at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.
Go to Web beacons: [Đăng nhập để xem liên kết. ]
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Vậy là dịch vụ chia sẻ tập tin của Yahoo bị đóng cửa.
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Old 16-03-2009, 03:29 PM   #2
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Default Ðề: Bái bai chú yahoo briefcase

Dịch vụ này của Yahoo đóng là đúng rồi, dung lượng thì có 30MB, mà chả share đc.
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tổng quan về Yahoo!Mesenger LeGiang Bảo mật 1 27-05-2007 09:39 PM
Ông chủ trẻ của Yahoo foureyes -‘๑’- Người Đương Thời 0 12-07-2006 04:15 PM
YAHOO -Công ty ra đời từ hai sinh viên myhanh -‘๑’- Người Đương Thời 1 01-01-1970 07:00 AM

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