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The last leaf - Cascades

The last leaf - Cascades

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Old 04-02-2009, 06:25 PM   #1
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Default The last leaf - Cascades

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Old 04-02-2009, 06:31 PM   #2
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hanoi-hue-saigon is on a distinguished road
Default Ðề: The last leaf - Cascades

The last leaf clings to the bough
Just one leaf, that's all there is now
And my last hope live with that lonely leaf, lonely leaf
With the last leaf that clings to the bough

Last summer beneath this tree
My love said she'd come to me
Before the leaves of autumn touched the ground, touched the ground
My love promised she's be homeward bound

Then one by one the leaves began to fall
And now that winter's come to call

The last leaf that clings to the bough
Just one leaf, that's all there is now
Will my last hope fall with that lonely leaf, lonely leaf
With the last leaf, the last leaf
With the last leaf that clings to the bough
Bough, bough, bough . . .
hanoi-hue-saigon is offline   Trả Lời Với Trích Dẫn
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