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ĐỀ Thi HỌc Sinh GiỎi Anh VĂn CẤp TỈnh VÒng 1 NĂm HỌc 2007-2008

ĐỀ Thi HỌc Sinh GiỎi Anh VĂn CẤp TỈnh VÒng 1 NĂm HỌc 2007-2008

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Old 05-12-2007, 06:26 PM   #1
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Post ĐỀ Thi HỌc Sinh GiỎi Anh VĂn CẤp TỈnh VÒng 1 NĂm HỌc 2007-2008

II. For questions 9-15, choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which you think fits best according to the texts. Write your answers in your answer sheet.(14 points)
One important result of the Age of Exploration that is sometimes forgotten is the spread of new types food throughout the world. Many historians tend to focus on the discovery of gold, silver, and new people. However, the globalization of diet was also an important aspect of this time period. Some foods common to standard diets in many modern countries originated in the New World. Corn, tomatoes, asparagus, chili peppers, and potatoes are some of the more well-known examples. These foods play an important role in not only modern diets, but in modern economies as well.
The peanut, for examples, is a very popular food worldwide. Some archaeologists believe that peanuts have been a staple in some cultures for at least 3,500 years. They believe that the peanut is native to Peru and another South American country, Brazil. Sailors from Europe first took the peanut with them on ships back to Spain. From Spain, the peanut was then introduced to other European countries. Today, the peanut is a staple in the diets of people in Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia. It is also a key cash crop for many African countries and US states. Indeed, without the peanut, the economies of these areas would be strongly affected.
In addition to peanuts, Peru is citied as the country of origin for other popular foods today. The artichoke, for example, was another food that explorers carried back to Europe from the New World. Today, artichokes are a popular vegetable in many parts of the world. Reports show that Peru continues to export about $20 million worth of artichokes each year! The biggest Peruvian crop export, however, is asparagus. Today, Peru ships more asparugus to foreign markets than any other country. Asparagus is a green, grass-like vegetable popular in the diets of the French an other European nations.

9. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the foods mentioned in this passage?
A. They all originated in Brazil.
B. They all come from the Americas.
C. They were first popular in Africa.
D. They are the most important crops for export.
10. According to the passage, when were peanuts probadly first eaten?
A. During the Age of Exploration.
B. More than 3,500 years ago.
C. After sailors went back to Spain.
D. About 2,000 years ago.
11. Which of the following could best replace “originated in” as used in paragraph 1?
A. Was brought to
B. Was sold in
C. Came from
D. Was unique
12. As used in paragraph 3, the word “export” is closest in meaning to
A. sell in other countries
B. bring in
C. mandate
D. promote

Body language imparts meaning without the use of words. It is a type of non-verbal communication. There are certain recognized distionctions between types of body language: voluntary/involuntary and universal/cultural. The first distionction is often fuzzy. For instance, a smile can be voluntary or involuntary. However, by the second distinction, smiles are universal. They are interpreted the same across all cultures. Nodding and head shaking, however, are cultural. In Turkey, the former is replaced by raising the eyebrows. It is thought that body language has its roots in animal communication. Indeed, great apes raised in captivity are quite proficient at reading human body language.
13. The word “they” in the passage refers to
A. distinctions.
B. cultures
C. smiles
D. people who smile
14. What can be inferred from the passage about nodding?
A. It will be understood everywhere.
B. It will not be understood in Turkey.
C. It will not be understood by an ape.
D. It will be understood if it is voluntary.
15. The word “fuzzy” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. unclear
B. hairy
C. solid
D. inverted

III. For questions 16-30, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which shoukd not be there. If a line is correct put a tick by the number on the answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the answer sheet. There are two examples at the beginning. (15 points)
0 The first advantage of air travel it is that it’s
00 quick. You can fly from Europe to Asia in a
16 few hours, and now with even faster planes, it
17 is getting quicker. It is very much easy travelling
18 by plane; your luggage is looked after and all what
19 you have to do is enjoy of a meal. Your
20 comfortable seat is reserved and there is a good
21 service from the staff. Another point in favor is so
22 that it is quite cheap also for long-distance flights.
23 On the other hand, flying has some disadvantages.
24 Perhaps the first is that you are fly directly
25 to your destination and you have no feeling of
26 traveling yourself from one country to another.
27 Another point is that because air travel is so
28 quick, people suffer from the tiredness; so they
29 save time traveling, but waste it for recovering.
30 One other problem is that fog can already delay you
and then all the advantage of speed is lost.
IV. Read the passage and then choose the correct word for each space by putting a cross on the letter A,B,C or D (15 points)

Last year thieves broke into a Scottish castle and stole only one thing: a rhino horn, which at up 1.5 metres was the logest in the world. In China pharmaveutical (0)……have been building up (31)…….of antiques made from rhino horn, for the sole (32)………of smashing them to powder to make the (33)………ingredient of many of their medicines. And in Africa poachers continue to die in the (34)………..for the black rhino.
Recently, conservations met to (35)……… a campaign to persuade countries where rhino horn is (36)……… part of the traditional medicine to (37)………. To substitutes. The biggest (38)…….. to the survival of the rhiniceros is the (39)……….. of certain countries to enforce a ban on domestic (40)…… in rhino horn.
The rhino horn is included in many (41)……….. for disorders raging from fevers to nosebleeds. Horn, like fingernails, is made of keratin and has no proven medicinal (42)………… Traditional sunstitues, such as horn from buffalo or antelope, are (43)……. as second best.
The battle is (44)……..to be winnable. But it may be harder than the battle against the trade in ivory, for there is a (45)………between the two commodities. Ivory is a luxury; rhino horn, people believe, could save the life of their child.
0. (A) factories (B) plants (C) workshops (D) studios
31.(A) amounts (B) bundles (C) collections (D) groups
32.(A) reason (B) intention (C) need (D) purpose
33.(A) essential (B) real (C) actual (D) true
34.(A) chance (B) search (C) fight (D) race
35.(A) design (B) plan (C) programme (D) form
36.(A). hardly (B) even (C) nearly (D) still
37.(A) vary (B) switch (C) modify (D) adjust
38.(A) threat (B) danger (C) disater (D) menace
39.(A) rejection (B) denial (C) refusal (D) protest
40.(A) business (B) commerce (C) selling (D) trading
41.(A) recipes (B) aids (C) remedies (D) doses
42.(A) capacity (B) values (C) control (D) powers
43.(A) regarded (B) valued (C) known (D) reputed
44.(A) imagined (B) dreamed (C) thought (D) viewed
45.(A) variation (B) difference (C) gap (D) comparison

V. For questions 46-52, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your word on the answer sheet. (7 points)

Thinking of buying a computer?
Computers are playing an (0)………(INCREASE) important in our lives, both in our homes and at work. But how do you know which computer will
suit your needs? This practical, straight-forward and (46)………(RELY) guide, especailly designed for those who are not (47)………..(KNOWLEDGE) about computers, provides many clear (48)………….(EXPLAIN) of all the jargon. It makes a (49)………..(COMPARE) of various systems, tells you how much you should pay, how to avoid costly mistakes and how to get (50)………….(SATIFY) user support and maintenance. This fact-packed book is essential reading for anyone planning to buy a computer. Giving advice which is not (51)………(BIAS) ,it will ensure that you make the right choice. Altogether, an incaluable (52)..............(PUBLISH)
VI. Put one suitable word in each space. Write the word in your answer sheet (15 points)
The handwritingof school children could spell the diference between success and failure in examinations according to research carried out by the Open University.
In a study (0)……. Dennis Briggs of the Faculty of Educational Studies, it was found that essays which were written (53)……….different styles of handwriting attrcted different marks. ‘The findings suggest that (54)……..is a boderline zone within examination marking where (55)……..an essay is written may be almost as important as what the essay is about,’ said Mr.Briggs. Five essays were double marked (56)……..the second marker unaware of the marks of the first marker. The essay scripts for the second marker (57)……..been copied out in three writing styles. Two of the styles were ones (58)…….had been the subject of continual criticism at school.
(59)………the markers were practising teachers who (60)……….told that the effectiveness of double marking was (61)……….checked. the results showed that a 12-year old who can present an essay one way will do better, perhaps (62)…….better, (63)………a friend who presents the (64)………..standard in terms of content but who (65)……..not or cannot make it look so attrative. The conclusion is that school children may not do as (66)………as perhaps they could (67)…….. their handwriting is untidy.

VII.In questions 68-77, each sentence has four words or pharses underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentence are mark (A),(B),(C),(D). you are to I dentify the one underlined ord or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mrk your answer (10 points)

68. When we go on vacation, we prefer swim and active sports to
(A) (B)
sightseeing and lying the beach
(C) (D)
69. Because it was stucturally unsafe and too expensive to repair, the
(A) (B)
75 years old building had to be demolished
(C) (D)
70. Ecologists feared the American eagle might be near extinction as there
(A) (B)
were so few sights of them in the last decade
(C) (D)

71. The factory let go of many its employees because it had automated so
(A) (B) (C)
many operations.
72. Copyright law clearly stated that you have to have the permission of the
(A) (B) (C)
authors or the publishers before copying their work
73. These interested paintings were donated to the library by the Gilmore
(A) (B) (C)
Foundation over twenty years ago
74. I think it would be easier to hold the audience’s attention if you had a
(A) (B) (C)
slide show along to the lecture
75. The wooden fence surrounded the factory is beginning to deteriorate
(A) (B) (C)
from rain.
76. The building manager is having all the windows and doors replace on the
(A) (B)
second and third floors as well as in the restaurant.
(C) (D)
77. If you like to travelling a lot, you shoud consider career opportunities in
(A) (B) (C)
the cruise industry or in other travel-related fields.
Khi con cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả thì đừng bao giờ ngồi xuống.Vì một khi đã ngồi xuống con sẽ không đứng dậy được nữa.Lúc đó chính là lúc sắp chết đấy.Khi cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả là lúc càng cần phải đứng dậy.Đó là cuộc chiến đấu cuối cùng.....cuộc chiến đấu với chính trái tim mình
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Old 06-12-2007, 12:44 PM   #2
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Default Ðề: ĐỀ Thi HỌc Sinh GiỎi Anh VĂn CẤp TỈnh VÒng 1 NĂm HỌc 2007-2008

thks phanthuyen, nhưng em có nghe nói tình hình đội Anh năm nay làm bài thế nào ko ?có bao nhiu đứa trong đội vậy?đề năm nay nhìn chung không khó như năm ngoái,coi chừng vòng 2...
J’espère, j’espère, j’espère oh oui, j’espère
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Old 06-12-2007, 07:12 PM   #3
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Nguyên văn bởi lyphardmelody_sm View Post
thks phanthuyen, nhưng em có nghe nói tình hình đội Anh năm nay làm bài thế nào ko ?có bao nhiu đứa trong đội vậy?đề năm nay nhìn chung không khó như năm ngoái,coi chừng vòng 2...
^^, em chỉ nắm tình hình bên hệ xét tuyển là có 3 người thi, cả 3 đều đậu. Còn bên chuyên em chỉ biết là có 2 người đậu (tại wen 2 anh chị đó ^^), còn số còn lại....em hông nắm. Mà đề này chắc mọi người đều làm tốt hết mà. Khi nào có kết quả vòng 2, em thông báo chính xác hơn cho chị há ^^
Khi con cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả thì đừng bao giờ ngồi xuống.Vì một khi đã ngồi xuống con sẽ không đứng dậy được nữa.Lúc đó chính là lúc sắp chết đấy.Khi cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả là lúc càng cần phải đứng dậy.Đó là cuộc chiến đấu cuối cùng.....cuộc chiến đấu với chính trái tim mình
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Old 07-12-2007, 01:35 PM   #4
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uhm,thanks em ha!mà 2 đứa bên chuyên là ai vậy em?có phải Đức với Diễm ko ?sao năm nay vào vòng 2 ít vậy ta ?
J’espère, j’espère, j’espère oh oui, j’espère
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Old 07-12-2007, 02:58 PM   #5
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dạ đúng òy, anh Đức dzí chị Diễm á. chị đoán hay wá ta
Khi con cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả thì đừng bao giờ ngồi xuống.Vì một khi đã ngồi xuống con sẽ không đứng dậy được nữa.Lúc đó chính là lúc sắp chết đấy.Khi cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả là lúc càng cần phải đứng dậy.Đó là cuộc chiến đấu cuối cùng.....cuộc chiến đấu với chính trái tim mình
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Old 07-12-2007, 07:55 PM   #6
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uhm.vậy chừng nào thi vòng 2 vậy bé?mà nè,phanthuyen học lớp nào vậy ta ?chị hem bít lun á
J’espère, j’espère, j’espère oh oui, j’espère
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Old 08-12-2007, 08:24 AM   #7
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dạ vòng 2 là 3/1/2008 thi. em học...11.1
Khi con cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả thì đừng bao giờ ngồi xuống.Vì một khi đã ngồi xuống con sẽ không đứng dậy được nữa.Lúc đó chính là lúc sắp chết đấy.Khi cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả là lúc càng cần phải đứng dậy.Đó là cuộc chiến đấu cuối cùng.....cuộc chiến đấu với chính trái tim mình
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Old 08-12-2007, 08:25 AM   #8
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em đâu nổi tiếng đâu, sao chị bít được ^__^
Khi con cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả thì đừng bao giờ ngồi xuống.Vì một khi đã ngồi xuống con sẽ không đứng dậy được nữa.Lúc đó chính là lúc sắp chết đấy.Khi cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả là lúc càng cần phải đứng dậy.Đó là cuộc chiến đấu cuối cùng.....cuộc chiến đấu với chính trái tim mình
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Old 08-12-2007, 03:57 PM   #9
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điểm các học sinh thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh vòng 1 môn av:
1/ Phạm Thị Mai Thảo (7,5)
2/ Nguyễn Thị Trường An (7,3)
3/ Huỳnh Thị Ngọc Diễm (7,0)
4/ Trần Thị Bách Khoa (5,4)
5/ Nguyễn Huỳnh Đức (7,8)
6/ Nguyễn Lý Trọng Tín (7,3)
7/ Phan Trọng Bích Ngân (6,1)
8/ Phan Thị Kim Tuyến (6,3)
9/ Lê Thị Trung Đính (7,4)
10/ Phan Minh Nguyên (6,3)
Khi con cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả thì đừng bao giờ ngồi xuống.Vì một khi đã ngồi xuống con sẽ không đứng dậy được nữa.Lúc đó chính là lúc sắp chết đấy.Khi cảm thấy muốn buông xuôi tất cả là lúc càng cần phải đứng dậy.Đó là cuộc chiến đấu cuối cùng.....cuộc chiến đấu với chính trái tim mình
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Old 06-06-2008, 06:47 PM   #10
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Bà Thuyên type đấy hử? Thx cái!
Im broke and... broken
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