Ðề: Cung HỸ! Cung HỸ! Cung HỸ!
Chúc mư`ng Minh Tie^'n...me^'n chúc 2 bạn trăm năm hạnh phúc nha!
Make a promise to yourself to always choose the very best things in life...
to hold onto your dreams, believe in your ideas, and follow the voice of your heart.
Make a promise to yourself to always choose the things that make you happiest.
Make a promise to yourself to make every moment count,
to stop and smell the flowers along the way, and enjoy life's simple pleasures one day at a time.
thay đổi nội dung bởi: Hanh Uyen, 17-01-2007 lúc 01:58 AM.