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Improve Your Vocabulary

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Old 02-10-2008, 11:50 AM   #1
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Default Improve Your Vocabulary

The following website has some nice games which help users improve their vocabulary:
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Here is the list of 10 words which I just learn:

Jack had some deleterious habits: harmful: xấu, có hại

My mother gets so perturbed when my father burps at the table: greatly disturbed, agitated: kích động

Wilma's effusion of flattery left Rodney speechless: an outpouring, an unrestrained expression: chảy ra

The Truman legacy has become palpable [PAL-puh-bul] to new generations of Amercans through the documents and exhibits housed at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, MO
obvious, evident, tangible, capable of being touched or felt: rõ ràng.
A palpable tumor is one that can be felt with the hand.

The proponent [pruh-POH-nunt] of the new tax will meet on Friday to work out the details: supporter, advocate: người đề xuất

He read dithyrambic [dith-ur-RAM-bic] exerpts from the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson's lecture. Among Aericans praise any less dithyrambic would have struck our host as poorly concealed disappointment
wildly enthusiastic: ca tụng, quá nhiệt thành

The new supervisor was slow to learn in order to command, it is not necessary to objurgate[AHB-juhr-gayt]: violently upbraid: trách móc

I love to listen to the people who call talk radio to fulminate [FOOHL-muhn-ayt] over their pet issues: la lối: to thunder forth

She loved the company, but tried to avoid the clavor.[KLAY-vuhr]: gossip: nói xấu
When serving a company dinner, the garniture[GAHR-nih-tchoor] is important: decoration or adornment: trang trí

She stood in silent prayer before the cenotaph[SEHN-uh-tahf], a single tear rolling down her cheek: đài kỷ niệm, bia kỷ niệm: a monument
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